Camping Punta Lago

Italy / Provincia di Trento
About the campsite
The Punta Lago campsite is situated at Calceranica al Lago, on the southern bank of Lake Caldonazzo. From here there are magnificent views over the whole Valsugana, which starts at Pergine, curving round to include Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo, to then continue along the course of the River Brenta, which takes its waters from these lakes. This particularly attractive area offering a form of tourism very much on a human scale, both for those wishing to enjoy the lakes and their beaches and for those who wish to come into more direct contact with nature, in a setting with hidden charms and landscapes of incomparable beauty.
Camping Street View Focus 2016 2/2
Camping Punta Lago Via Lungo Lago, 70 38050 Calceranica Al Lago, Italy / Provincia di Trento
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